What is dtour.life?
Dtour.life is a secure collaborative platform designed for family law professionals and their clients to easily enter, edit, analyze and share the family and financial data required for any legal or financial matter.
Why dtour.life?
We have partnered with the dtour.life platform to give our clients an easy and secure process for sharing with us all of the family and financial data required for your case.
The visual design and simple tools will assist both you and our team to collaborate to gather, organize, edit, update and upload all of the data and documents. Then, we will use the reporting tools to generate easy-to read financial reports for settlement discussions.
Onboarding Wizard
To get started, the onboarding wizard will guide you through a series of questions that will allow us to gather important biographical information, income & expense data and information about your assets & debts. Then it is easily updatable as more information and documents become available.
Family law cases do require an enormous amount of paperwork, but dtour.life makes it easy for you to “drag & drop” documents into the Document repository, create folders, rename and make any notes. This efficiency saves a tremendous amount of time and money.
You will see a comment icon next to every item and section. This allows both you and our team to comment and reply as needed. This is tremendously helpful so that we can see all of your comments and questions next to each item. Remember that your spouse and spouse's attorney will most likely also have access, so if your comment is of a strategic nature, please do not include it. Instead email our team.
Income & Expense Sync and Report
The Income & Expense (I&E) bank sync feature is customized for family law matters and allows all of the transactional data in your accounts to download in minutes.
The data is auto-categorized and easily edited. You can assign expenses to assets & debts to capture the monthly carrying costs and you can associate expenses with a spouse. Expenses can also be associated with the children and a separate table generated to identify all child-related expenses.
The Income & Expense Report is easy-to-read and understand and will help us to discuss your family’s monthly cash flow. (For anyone who does not have access to an online bank account, the manual entry for income and expense data is also very easy-to-use and flows into the same report.)
Assets and Debts
Property distribution in a divorce requires us to detail the ownership, acquisition and carrying costs for every asset & debt. On the dtour.life platform, each item is represented in three ways: 1. “Summary” cards provide a quick overview of your financial picture and help to avoid missing or inaccurate reporting. 2. “Detail” pages provide all the relevant information including dates, financing, titling, separate property contributions, etc., and 3. The Net Worth report displays the entire marital estate in an easy-to read format.
Case Access
Secure digital collaboration is essential for family law teams efficiently and cost-effectively work together to review and analyze real-time data. Complete transparency as to who has access to each case is available to all invited client(s) and professionals.
Security and Privacy
One of the many reasons we partner with dtour.life is due to their dedication and commitment to security and privacy. The cloud-based software architecture with its AES 256 SSL block-level encryption, multi-factor authentication, Captcha feature, Cloudflare, use of SOC 2 compliant third-party providers, including AWS, penetration-testing and remediation, and adherence to all best-in-class practices and best-in-class network controls, provides us with the confidence we require to trust it for our firm’s and our clients’ data.
If you do not wish to maintain this information digitally or link accounts, we can provide an alternate approach; however, it will be more costly as a paralegal will be required to spend additional time organizing and processing this information. If you do choose to use dtour.life, you will be asked to acknowledge that Kainen Law Group PLLC has no ownership or responsibility for the security of the dtour.life system or data entered, and you release Kainen Law Group PLLC and its attorneys and employees from any liability associated with the online platform.
Once you have retained Dara, we will send you an email with log-in information; account access is complimentary. Once you sign-up, you will be taken through a series of questions about your family and financials and guided to upload all of the documents that support each item you entered.
3303 Novat St., #200, Las Vegas, NV 89129
Copyright © 2022 Dara Marias, JD, MSW- All Rights Reserved.