With the joint mediation process, Dara serves as a neutral mediator. She does not represent either party. Instead, she empowers both people to decide outcomes by offering creative options against the backdrop of Nevada law. This personalized approach means that instead of a court's default parenting plan, you can design timeshare arrangements that work with your family's unique schedules and your children's needs. Instead of a court taking a hatchet and dividing your marital estate in two, Dara will help you use a scalpel to carefully carve out the best equal division of assets and debts to maximize value and best meet the needs of your situation.
Mediation keeps decision-making power with the people most knowledgeable and most impacted by divorce decisions. Instead of rolling the dice with a judge and turning the process of interaction over to attorneys, mediation can strengthen skills for future interactions. Joint mediation is a respectful divorce process where Dara, as a neutral, third person, helps people in conflict:
Dara helps parties employ emotional agility and protects the communication process. This allows the mediation process to operate with heightened efficiency, and it is easier to develop solutions that mutually satisfy the parties' core needs. As a result, people can more quickly resolve their divorce conflicts leading to significant cost-saving as compared to the traditional litigated divorce.
The cost-savings of mediation are a tremendous value and allow the couple's assets--which now must be spread across two households--to be preserved instead of spent on attorney's fees. Divorces can be litigated for years and can cost tens (sometimes hundreds) of thousands of dollars. Mediations, on the other hand, can often be completely resolved for under $5,000 per person.
Divorcing spouses can retain autonomy in decision-making and finalize their divorce in a fraction of the time and for a fraction of the price of a litigated, drawn-out divorce. Mediation is not focused on proving anything to a third party. Instead, mediation wants to make sure that parties each (1) have an accurate and complete financial picture of the marital assets and debts, (2) make reasoned decisions about divisions with a clear understanding of issues related to sale or division, (3) are able to express their desires, concerns, wants and needs in a safe and empowered environment, and (4) that financial resources are focused on efficiently moving the process forward to save money.
This is for clients who wish to divorce amicably, need guidance on settling all aspects of their divorce, but do not need individual attorneys. Dara actively assists clients throughout the entire process including: collecting information, coordinating with outside consultants, mediating issues, and identifying post-divorce tasks to implement agreements. A Marital Settlement Agreement is prepared ready for an uncontested divorce.
In a focused mediation, both sides submit a confidential mediation brief (if represented by attorneys) or a summary detailing the specific issues in dispute and provide supporting documentation. After Dara has had an opportunity to review the documents, a half-day (4 hours) or full day (8 hours) will be reserved to mediate. Agreements are set forth in a Memorandum of Understanding.
Is mediation right for your divorce? Has the divorce process been overwhelming and confusing? Are you stuck in negotiations? A consultation is a great way to get your questions answered about Nevada laws which impact your divorce and about the holistic approach to divorce, amicable mediation, or education options. Includes: one, 60-minute meeting and Divorce 101 written materials.
3303 Novat St., #200, Las Vegas, NV 89129
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