Is joint mediation or amicable divorce right for your situation? Does the divorce process feel overwhelming? Are you struggling with co-parenting, and is it impacting your custody case? A consultation is a great way to get your questions answered about Nevada laws which impact your divorce and about the holistic approach to divorce. Includes: one, 75-minute meeting and Divorce 101 written materials.
Amicable Divorce representation is billed hourly. Amicable Divorce allows both sides to have personalized legal representation, but divorce issues are solved in a low-conflict environment where flexibility, efficiency, and cost-saving is emphasized because both parties have retained attorneys in the Amicable Divorce Network. Includes 12-month subscription to the meditation app.
This is for clients who wish to divorce amicably, need guidance on settling all aspects of their divorce, but do not need individual attorneys. Dara actively assists clients throughout the entire process including: collecting information, coordinating with outside consultants, mediating issues, and identifying post-divorce tasks to implement agreements. A Marital Settlement Agreement is prepared ready for an uncontested divorce. Includes 12-month subscription to the meditation app.
In a focused mediation, both sides submit a confidential mediation brief (if represented by attorneys) or a summary detailing the specific issues in dispute and provide supporting documentation. After Dara has an opportunity to review the documents, a half-day (4 hours) or full day (8 hours) will be reserved to mediate. Agreements are set forth in a Memorandum of Understanding.
Effective Communication and Emotional Agility both include a Twelve (12)-month subscription to the Ten Percent Happier mediation app. Follow-up sessions are billed at $450/hour.
Children can emerge from divorce healthy when parents promote continuity, protection, reassurance, and emotional expression. Customized Co-parenting, teaches these skills and offers a Co-parenting Roadmap re: your children's developmental tasks based on their age, ways to mitigate the impact of divorce, strategies to manage your unique co-parenting challenges, and personalized resources. Includes: materials, personalized plan, 90-min. meeting, 12-month meditation app subscription, and journal.
Divorce, is a time of great emotion. Learning to skillfully interact with your emotions can support good decision-making and conduct which can lead to better legal outcomes. Emotional Agility, offers education about how emotions work and strategies you can use to better understand and process them. Through mindful awareness, people can learn to separate from strong emotions and avoid problematic behavior. Includes: materials, 90-minute meeting, 12-month meditation app subscription, and journal.
Effective Communication helps individuals improve their communication skills and develop problem-solving strategies which can enhance co-parenting and negotiating disputed divorce issues. By developing mindfulness of your core needs, understanding helpful and unhelpful communication habits, and viewing "demands" as strategies for getting needs met, you can learn to communicate more effectively. Includes: materials, a 90-minute meeting, a 12-month meditation app subscription and journal.
Emotional Agility paired with Effective Communication is a powerful combination which can not only significantly improve your experience of divorce but can also lead to better legal outcomes whether you are litigating or mediating. Deluxe Education includes everything in Effective Communication and Emotional Agility (save $100).
3303 Novat St., #200, Las Vegas, NV 89129
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